Leelah "sang her heart out for the Lord!" at her WAMjr (Worship, Arts, Music choir program for our church) program, Obedient Bees. It was sensational!
Come on, kids, bee costumes, a Christian re-mix of "I'm a Believer" by the Monkeys, and kazoo sound effects? Genius. But you know I'm a fan of kids' programs and kids in general- they're funny!!! Here's a post where I broke down all the types of kids and their mannerisms during programs- Christmas Programs Are Hilarious. It's now a proven theory.
Afterwards, we tore up Tutti Frutti.
Oh self-serve yogurt. You'd think I'd be afraid of your HUGE hand sanitizer pumps, but I'm not. Your sneezeguards are beautiful. Your yogurt flow reminds of me of play-doh shape making devices. So nice. OH and I do not have a big ol' tattoo on my right arm, I run into things. I've run into this little decorative letter hook thingy (it's metal and it hurts) 3 TIMES. This last time I swear I damaged tissue. Heavy on the word, "swear". I'm not a machine!! I really should learn and not have huge pokey things to run into at my house. Like doors, corners, tables, etc. Anyone know of a good bubble manufacturer for adults?!
You're right. Your picture are atrocious. Just kidding. So cute! Leelah was a precious bee!
Thanks Mindee! She enjoyed herself immensely. I'm glad I have a camera at all, but the point n shoot just couldn't capture what I wanted. It's cool though we video'ed it.
She is a cute little bee!
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