Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kindergarten Readiness...??

Today was Kindergarten Registration day at Leelah's school. I must admit it might have well as been called, "Put your brave face on day" for me. It didn't help that Leelah had the too-many-morning-cartoon grumpies going on with it. For Leelah it is going to be a whole new adventure and she is going to love the learning and the fun socialization.

From a mom's POV, it's the beginning of the assault on her innocence that plagues me. She's in a pretty, cute, little Target and Popcorn, church friends and rainbows bubble right now. But isn't this thinking just another avenue to WorryTown, U.S.A? I cannot take that path. My worrying about her is basically my distrust in God eating up my brain. She is God's daughter. He's got her. So some horrible things happened to me in school. So what? Welcome to Real Life. And why should I let my past determine her future? I can't "Finding Nemo" her and keep her in the anenome.

One morning in October I woke up with crazed, mongoosed alertness. I needed to pray. Had to do it. And it had to be for Kindergarten. Pretty sure this was Holy Spirit driven as I usually wake up with eyes only for coffee. I said, coffee. I didn't say 'kid', 'husband', 'birds calling', or even 'quiet time'. I SAID COFFEE! (P.S. we're out of creamer and I'm kind of T.O.'ed about it as I like my coffee khaki colored).

Here is an excerpt of my prayer journal that I wrote down with a fury to pray for: Please would you share a comment on what you pray for for Kindergarten readiness??
Praying For Kindergarten
God, would you please open my ears to your HOly Spirit in terms of scripture I can be praying over her start to school?
Here's what I'd like to pray for Father:
-Her safety (Hedge of protection- to, at and from school)
-Her teacher to be an active Christian (I realize this may not happen. It's okay. It's the real world, out of the bubble. And there are all kinds of people. It's my preference, but my preference is what the Lord wants. Should He want her with someone who is of a different faith, then I must accept that and trust.)
-Her teacher to have a heart for her and for kids.
-For her confidence to be found in Christ- that it would strengthen her.
-THat she'd make good friends from good families. (again Christian if possible).
-For her to enjoy what she's learning
-For her to have fun!
-For her to transition well with the long day, w/the psycho early lunchtime, etc.
-For me to be able to be up at school frequently and walk (ANSWERED PRAYER- PRAISE JESUS!!!)
-to have her innocence protected
- that I as her mother would be emotionally abl eto move on to her next stage and be supportive with Your Word for her- speaking words of life into her heart!
-That John and I would be loving, caring Kindergarten parents
-That Leelah would come to John and me for anything!
-That you would fill us with Your Word and wisdom in dealing with all situations
Please fill us with Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Any suggestions? Please!?

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