Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thursday. Day of Adenoidectomy...

I'm ashamed I couldn't come up with a better more pun-filled title.

Christmas was great. We really scaled it down in terms of everything and really it was just as great if not better. As Leelah said yesterday, "It's not about all the presents. It's about Jesus." THen she named all 3 of her presents off. Then all the rest she received from family in Oklahoma. That reminds me!
Talk about snow!?!?!
I hate to complain, but since I have a talent at it here goes. Snow is no longer magical to me. When you see humongous piles of dirt grey snow filling up two parking spaces in Targie, you get over it. Quickly. So I will be uploading the pics of 4-6ft snow drifts we conquered (well on the side of the road) in our Toyota Corolla (Ol' Smokey). We prayed every time we took her out on the ice/slickness/snow/rain/blech. IT was so bleak looking. It was not as picturesque as the Oregon snow. It was hardcore snow. Going from our famous 1 in snow day in Katy, Texas to "hey I live in snow now" was somethin' else! I was fearful we were heading for the top story on Dateline driving all around at night. Snowblindness and this and that! We did skid once. We did get stuck once. No, we didn't build a snowman. It was too dang cold!!!!

Please keep my sweet lass Leelah in your prayers for this Thursday as she will be having her adenoidectomy to hopefully improve or lessen the amount of sinus infections. Should be in the morning some time. I have told her all about her "special appointment" since she knows sort of what "surgery" means(I'm in the 10 club myself. Bet you're jealous because I'm all streamlined!) so I try to leave that word out. I told her all about how she will go to sleep and then wake up, take medicine, have ice cream and get a special toy surprise! Yes. Heavy bribing. Sue me. We went to the bank today (Leelah's famous there) and they gave her 6 blue suckers to take home for her surgery and let her up in the teller drive through sitting area. You'd think she was Miley Cyrus or someone in that place! They are the nicest. We love them!

I must go to my sleeping chambers as my eye will not stop twitching. Will post about adenoidectomy sometime soon.


Anonymous said...

You know Nathaniel and I will say a prayer for Leelah tomorrow morning. we know it will be fine! Love you!

Ashley S. said...

Good luck Leelah! I'll be praying! Sorry the snow was so gross. Glad the sliding didn't result in worse. Can't wait to see pics. Sentences with subjects.

Ashley S. said...

I meant "sentences WITHOUT subjects". Dang it.