Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Alas, an October Surgery...

And I thought I was off the hook for a surgery in October...
Friends and Fam,

Today we had a setback in my left eye. This morning my eye went black for a little while, then it started wiggling constantly like it was in water. Needless to say I panicked and called John who was only 10 min from home. He came back and I called the on-call doc who told me to come in asap. After being at the eye doc from 9:00am to 6:30 (we did have a pizza break!) we learned that the lens dropped out of place again and is all wiggly in there. Subluxated again.

The surgeon will be repairing it if possible (most likely will be able to be repaired) by surgery on Wed. the 28th early morning. This surgery should take 1-1.5 hrs and I will be under (yay! a snoozy break!). This won't be as bad as last October's surgery they hope.

Please pray for my vision to be healed once again and for the eyesight to come back. It was so nice to have exactly a month of eyesight! I got all spoiled!

We are so thankful for the quick response and the ability of the docs to fix this. We are confident in whatever God has planned. His will not ours! Thank goodness! I just think of all the people that were born blind today and people that have severe blindness in both eyes. Please use this as a reminder to pray for all visually impaired people. God is so good with His promise. I am very much clinging to the promise of our Kingdom vision and healed bodies- which will be glorious! "Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light."- Micah 7:8

I love you all dearly! Thank you for your prayers! Will let you know how it all goes. Until then I will "see" you around with my half frosted glasses!

At least I have a bedazzled patch!
much love in Christ,
p.s. A special thank you to Tina (TV!) for the yummy dinner and dessy!! And thanks for watching my boo. What sweet friends the Lord has blessed us with!


Anonymous said...

You already know that I'm praying girl!

Sweet T said...

We love you G!

joyce said...

You are in my prayers also. You are such a wonderful friend to my sweet daughter, Tina. It makes my heart happy to know that Tina is blessed by her "new" Texas friends! Love in Christ.