Friday, October 28, 2011

Frugalicious Friday No.10!! The 3 Gift Rule

In our family we want to make sure that when it comes to Christmas, we keep Jesus the reason for the season so we 3 Gift It. I got this idea from a great family we know and love but I know where they got the idea from initially:
There's this book, you might have heard of it, it's has tissue paper pages, can be made in Giant Print (if you are like me and have the vision of a winged nocturnal animal), and can be found in every hotel drawer across the world: The Bible. We do this 3 gift rule for our daughter and for each other because Jesus started it. He only got 3 gifts.
Here's how we do it:
The 3 gifts are chosen by the recipient ahead of time- have them make a list and stick to it- or you could have the kid pick 2 that will be from mom and dad or whomever and then one surprise one from Santa. Mom and Dad you need to get 3 also, or one or none or whatever, but make sure you are modeling what you are teaching. Just sayin'.
And DON'T GO CRAZY ON STOCKING STUFFERS! Or else the kid will realize the loophole- STOCKING STUFFERS - and be all, "Oh yeah we get 3, but I'm so getting an I-Touch for my stocking stuffer!" Put some fruit (nature's candy) in that bad boy and real candy and socks (come on you know you like getting socks!).

And I was listening to 89.3 KSBJ today and heard a great idea. If you by any chance know of a family who is having a tough time this Christmas, get your kids in on a little shopping spree for them and leave the gifts at their door, ring the bell and run. Anonymous gifting- what a great tradition, right?

I just loved how well the 3 Gift Rule worked out last year. So much less stress and less guesswork and so great to keep it what it's supposed to be about- Him, the true gift!

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