Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Sisters in Christ!

This afternoon we were talking with Rose and Daisy about Christmas- they are learning about all the holidays up at church and hearing lots of speakers. Then they told me "We want to be in." I asked them what? Daisy pointed to her translator- I read it and it said, "Christianity." Whoa. Wow. Wonderful.

So after some q and a to find out where they were at in understanding, my friend Emily (THANK YOU JESUS FOR HER BEING THERE!) and I led Rose and Daisy in praying to to accept Jesus into their heart! WOW! What a moment friends. How can I fully express the emotion and joy that was felt today? I cannot. But believe me, our family was/is rejoicing and so grateful to the Lord! As I write, Daisy is on the phone to her family explaining her decision to them. I keep hearing the Chinese word for Jesus- "Yesu". Please join with me in praying for them as they go down this new road of faith with the Lord. That they would in turn share their faith with other non-believers. THat they would be strong in the Lord's ways and take claim to being "in but not of this world." Let us pray they are protected in their new faith!

What an exciting day. I am so glad I got to witness this moment especially with my dear friend Emily! Who, again THANK GOD was there to help in leading them to pray. We both were shocked. We definitely held hands when they left to go get their Bibles to say a quick prayer to the Lord for guidance!!! THis was my very first time to witness directly and help with the prayer. Which Emily found IN CHINESE- SCORE!- for them to pray. They prayed it with bowed heads next to each other. Then the smiles!!! Oh the smiles. ANd later expressed their excitement in being a Christian. What a blessing to get to share the Good News- the BEST news.
Thank you for praying for these sweet babies in Christ with me!!!


Wendy said...

Amen and Praise Him!!! How wonderful. God is good!

jenna said...

That is awesome! Thanks for sharing with them, and thanks for sharing with us.

Now you can tell them they are God's beautiful flowers - because of their names. :)

Sweet T said...

I'm overjoyed with excitement! They are precious girls and now they are our sisters in Christ!