Monday, September 22, 2008


Yes. Leelah got her very first Scholastic Book Order Forms sent home with her today. To me there was no other greater thing sent home and no other greater decision to make than - what to order!?!?!!!! Tell me you did not love these when you were little. The best part: ordering something which was inevitably awesome, forgetting you ordered it and then having it come in and basking in the forgotten awesomeness that was now in your hands to read or sticker with. I Heart Scholastic Book Orders. Thinking about starting a facebook club of the same name.


Ashley S. said...

Um, very yes. I LOVE Scholastic Book Orders! LOVE! It was my favorite thing about teaching. What you may not know is that teachers get to order free books based on how many books their students order. I got a HUGE number of free books when I started teaching fourth grade because I got $200 worth of orders from students (and teachers I forced to order things so I could reach $200) and got a ginormous number of bonus points to spend on books.
I still have my Scholastic account online so I can just get on and order books whenever I feel like it. Also, there are these wonderful things called Scholastic Warehouse Sales where you just go to their warehouse and buy whatever you want off the shelves for 30% off. It rules.
The End.

jenna said...

Count me in for the club. And ditto to Ashley on the bonus points. Hurrah.

I need to find a teacher friend who can tell me when the sales are... congratulations on waking a sleeping giant.. like I Need any more books in my house. :P